Welcome to Living Well Dr. Michele. This is my health and wellness channel where I share with you, natural methods for healing and staying healthy.
I am happy you are here. This is your pathway to a healthier happier you! I am thrilled to share my experience and expertise as a licensed acupuncturist for over 20 years. Even if you don’t see me in my local Poway acupuncture office, I can still help. You can join from anywhere. Cancel or renew anytime.
This is a safe, secure forum to find health tips, online classes, live-streaming events, videos, podcasts, free, or exclusive content. It is a place where you can have direct support from holistic health experts, as well as community support. Please share by posting your experiences, struggles, what works for you, whether you’ve tried any tips suggested here, classes, or post your questions. You can also privately message Dr. Michele.
Free Membership will give you early access to some of the free content, videos, posts, and upcoming events. Paid subscribers will enjoy exclusive content, direct engagement, and also the option of
1). Attending live-streaming classes of the Chakra Series: Body Mind Tuning held one to two times monthly via Zoom.
2). As a Paid subscriber you can also watch the recorded videos, listen to podcasts, or download pdfs at your convenience as long as you are a member.
4). I also welcome other acupuncturists, chiropractors, holistic healers, and essential oil coaches. Together we can help people learn how to safely and effectively use natural solutions to regain and maintain their health.
5). This is not meant to replace medical treatment when necessary. Use your common sense.
What makes us different is that we not only post discussions about herbal remedies, essential oils, acupressure, and tuning fork vibration, is that we will post links to live-streaming webinars, and classes. There will be one to two per month. The recorded videos of these will be uploaded here in the content section. Topics may include:
- Healthy eating
- Digestive support
- Ways to ease anxiety and stress
- Support and solutions for chronic pain conditions
- Body-Mind Techniques
This community is for both the lay-person, and other health professionals, acupuncturists, holistic health coaches, essential oil coaches. Send your members here to learn how to effectively and safely use their oils. I do the work for you!
In Health and Healing,
Dr. Michele Arnold
Community Guidelines
Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:
- Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
- Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
- No pornography
- Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
- Relax, be yourself, and enjoy