Have you ever thought or been told that you need to change the way you think? How do you do that? Are you able to change the way you feel? These terms are often used interchangeably but there are some differences. Listen to my podcast to decide for yourself!
Welcome to Living Well Dr. Michele. I am happy you are here. This is my health and wellness channel where I share with you some natural methods for healing and staying healthy. My favorite mind-body balancing tools are essential oils, and sound healing tuning forks. I love to share easy ways you can use these for yourself and your family.
I also love to talk about ways to use food as medicine, herbs, and spices.
This is your treat to a healthier happier you! I am thrilled to share my experience and expertise as a licensed acupuncturist for over 20 years. Even if you don't see me in my local Poway acupuncture office, I can still help. You can join from anywhere. Cancel or renew anytime.
This is a safe, secure forum to find health tips, online classes, live-streaming events, videos, free, or exclusive content.
It is a place where you can have direct support from holistic health experts, as well as community support. Please share by posting your experiences, struggles, what works for you, ...
Check out this video to learn about Meridian Tapping with AromaTune.
Using Facial reflex points along with essential oils and sound vibrations of tuning forks you can find some relief from your foot or ankle pain.
Follow to learn more!
Do you have shoulder pain, or limited range of motion?
Don't miss out on learning how to do these simple moves to help your shoulder gain strength and mobility.
Do these to your ability, and pain level. Don't overdo it.
Post your comments and questions here.
You can find this FREE post under the topic, "Muscles, Joints, and Trigger Points", in the livingwelldrmichele community.
During this podcast Dr. Michele shares some information from her books, "Ancient Healing for Modern People", and "It's All About Your Gut!" about healing the gut through better food choices. She explains histamine, histamine foods, and why you would want to focus on your individual body constitution versus just following a list of foods. Please post any questions or comments here!
The gallbladder is the lymphatic channel responsible for digestion of fats. It is also responsible for carrying out plans and decisions. Listen to this podcast to hear why it is important to stimulate your gallbladder channel. The books I mention in this podcast can be found on lulu.com/shop or Amazon.
Join the live or recorded Chakra Series class to stimulate the gallbladder meridian with acupressure points and sound healing.
Forgiveness voice dialogues to release negative pent-up emotional energy into a new positive way of being. You have the power to use your own intention along with your voice to feel peace from forgiveness. Enjoy this podcast from Body Mind Spirit Mysteries from Dr. Michele's holistic health channel, "Living Well with Dr. Michele".
Would you like to meditate, but you find it hard to quiet your mind?
Check out my video where I explain how to use tuning forks to meditate!
How do you meditate if you do? I use the vibrational sound of tuning forks. Just listening to the hum brings me into that quiet space. The eight harmonic tuning forks pictured here are based on natural frequencies that create a perfect fifth. When listening or waving above the body the sound creates a resonance where our nervous system tunes up to match the pitch. This in turn helps you to feel relaxed, centered, grounded, happier, and healthier. Check out my website where you can learn more about how to use these in your daily lives.
Are you interested in learning how other acupuncturists, and holistic health professionals incorporate energetic healing into their lives and practices?
I wanted to let you know that I am a speaker at the upcoming online event: The Subtle Energy Summit.
I will be presenting the AromaTune essential oil and sound healing meditation for self-cultivation and stress reduction. Healer, heal thyself to be the best for your life and your patients. I will explain how this therapy can also be used in your practice, and how it can easily be combined with most other modalities.
You will have the chance to follow along with me live to practice this technique. You don’t have to use the tools I use such as essential oils, and sound healing tuning forks as I will give you alternatives. Join me Thursday Arpil 6th at 3:00 pm PST. Enroll in the Subtle Energy Summit for FREE!
This is a FREE, online, and live event where you will be guided through life-changing experiences and provided tools and modalities to use in your practice and life.
For four full days, April 6th, ...